Today my husband emailed me asking if I wanted to go for a run this evening.
I have been walking the big hill in the mornings with a friend since May and when we part I run about a half mile toward my house. My husband has been talking about the need to get into some fitness routine since he doesn't feel that his regular golf game really qualifies as fitness.
I have never gone running with him so I was an experience.
I have found that I'm really more of a jogger than a runner.
You know, I'm more then OK with that.
My husband did good about listening to me and running ahead.
I told him before we left the house that he didn't need to keep to my slow pace.
He's quite the gentleman, so I'm sure his instinct was to lag behind with me, so I was happy he did what he needed. I'm hoping to make this a regular thing and maybe get our teenage son out with us!
Good for you! Jim runs at a pretty fast pace and whenever we run together I know that I slow him down, but he always sticks with me. :)