Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 174 [Appreciation]

My son came home from school yesterday and told me he got Certificate of Appreciation at school.  He wasn't exactly sure why he got it from this particular staff member as he said he really doesn't know her.  After some research I believe she's the head of the ASB and social activities.
I'm pretty certain that Bailey was given this certificate for his participation in Key Club, which he enjoys very much.
This morning before heading off to school (his last day is on Friday) he dug out the certificate he had stuffed into his back pack the other day. 
I was a bit taken aback when I saw his name on this paper.
As a parent, we take a lot of time, consideration and pride in naming our children, so when you see your child's name spelled wrong...especially on something from the school, it doesn't sit well.
My son's name is Bailey....not Bialy! 
Of course in Bailey style, he chuckled about it and went on his way. 
I, on the other hand, expect a bit more from the school who is educating my child!

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