February was pretty low key.
Of course there was the celebration of Valentine's Day.
We don't make a big deal out of the day, as we express our love throughout the year, not just on this one day. He did surprise me with some tulips (my favorite) that he brought home during his lunch and left on the counter while I was out on a errand. That was a sweet surprise.
I hosted my annual scrap-a-ganza with my scrappy friends.
It was a productive and fun day.
The end of the month brought a 5K race for Michel.
I chose not to participate in this race, which would have been my first, due to the fact that I don't like the trail it was on. Thankfully that was the case as it was coooold that morning! 22*!
I froze while I waited for Michel and we hung out to see if he won any 'door' prizes, he didn't.
He did run a good time though...a bit better then he had hoped.
So proud of him for braving the cold and running the race.
After the race we headed south to celebrate our friend's 40th birthday.
they live on a berry farm south west of Portland Or.
They have a cute little guest cottage that they left for our use.
Time went far too quickly and we plan to head down again for a longer visit when the weather gets a bit warmer.